Daily Money Tip: Get Your Free Credit Report

A lot of people start the new year with the resolution to get a hold of their finances. Well, no better place to start than by getting a copy of their credit report.

A credit report is a record of your borrowing history. In the U.S. there are three major credit reporting agencies and they all keep a record of your credit behavior as it is reported to them. This means that all of their records may not match  or even be completely accurate at any given time. This is why you should get a copy of this report from each reporting agency.

In accordance to the FACT Act, all three credit reporting agencies are required to offer you a free credit disclosure every 12 months. You can request this free report on the government approved website AnnualCreditReport.com.  Once you request your free report check for inaccuracies.

Checking out your credit report will give you a good idea of where you stand as far as debt.  Fixing inaccuracies will also help boost your credit score.  Finally, you can take the opportunity to monitor your credit and make sure you have not been a victim of identity theft.

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