Money Saving BBQ Tips!


With the weather warming up, many of us love having our friends and loved ones over for BBQ and outdoor parties.  Doing this often enough though can really start to add up.  If you don’t want your budget to keep you from partying it up around the grill this year, follow these money saving BBQ tips:

Stick to lower cost cuts.  Go hog wild grilling up chicken legs all season long!  Chicken legs and thighs are much less expensive than breasts, so you can grill those all season long without strain to your pocketbook.  My kids beg for chicken legs all the time anyway, so this is an easy one for me to do to keep people happy.

Make it a potluck.  Feel free to send out an invite to your friends and ask them to bring a side dish.  A bag of chips doesn’t cost too much for others to bring, but it easier on your pocket book when you aren’t responsible for all of it.

Break out those coupons.  Seriously, like any other kind of grocery shopping, you should be trying to save where you can.  This time of year we start seeing lots of sales on BBQ foods anyway, so bring your coupons to the store and save even more.
Hit the meat markdown section.  At my local grocery store, they have an entire section dedicated to meat that is nearing its use-by date.  Most of this meat is marked down 50% or more.  The store tends to put items in this section each night so in the morning it is full.  I do my grocery shopping in the morning and grab meat out of this section and I am just sure to put it in the freezer right away.  This is a great way to save big on your grilling meats!