Share RecycleBank with Your Friends and Get 25 Free Points

Share about Recycle Bank with your friends and get free 25 Recycle Bank points for every friend that joins Recycle Bank using your referral link.  This offer is available for a limited time only.

To get your own Referral Link:

Once you are logged on Recycle Bank, click on the “Earn Points” tab.  Then scroll down to the very button where you will see the activity “Earn Again, refer a friend.”  There you will find three ways you can share on Facebook, Twitter or by getting your own link to email to friends.  Share with your friends about the many ways they can earn points on Recycle Bank by Exploring the Earn Points tab and the Learn and Earn activities available.  They can then use these points to redeem for the great printable coupons available on Recycle Bank.