When to Buy Organic and When to Skip it

Today, Crystal tackles a reader question about how to feed your family organic/natural food while staying on a budget. This is something that I deal with often as well. I have mentioned before my husband is a food scientist, so what we eat needs to have his seal of inspection (it seems). We looked more carefully at what we were eating when I became pregnant with our first son. At that point we switched to hormone-free milk and meat, and started buying some organic produce.
We all have noticed that organic fruits and vegetables can cost you an arm and a leg at the grocery store. However, there have been studies done to help you prioritize which fruits and vegetables you buy with the organic label.
The Environmental Working Group has developed a ranked list of produce in terms of how much pesticide can be found in the fruit or vegetable. Use this list to help you prioritize when to pay the premium price for the organic label.

Check out Crystal’s website for more frugal tips.