$40 To Spend at Teleflora on Flowers, Just $20!


You may be too late for Easter flowers, but Mother’s Day is just around the corner.  Get $40 to spend at Teleflora on Flowers for just $20 at Amazon Local right now!


Celebrate Administrative Professionals’ Day, Mother’s Day, or any occasion with a gorgeous, fresh bouquet from Teleflora.com. Find the highest-quality flower arrangements, all hand-crafted and delivered by Teleflora’s nationwide network of local florists, with the convenience of ordering online.

  • $20 for $40 to spend on flowers
  • Say “thank you” with Garden Romance, a stunning arrangement of purple hydrangea, light pink spray roses, and white lilies
  • Celebrate with the Turn Up the Pink Bouquet, a perky and fun bouquet filled with lush orange roses, hot pink gerberas, carnations, and asters
  • For birthdays, anniversaries, or just because, Telefora.com has the perfect gift for any occasion!