7 Signs You Need to Choose a Creative Major

When it comes to choosing your future career path, it is often difficult to understand what to go for. Some teenagers take a gap year for this purpose. Others make a list of professions they can potentially be good at.

They take into consideration their values, skills, and talents. Their parents’ recommendations also count most of the time. In the end, there is a weird list of jobs:

  • journalist
  • screenwriter
  • dentist

The ability to gather information and highlight it well suggests a career in journalism. A stand-up hobby makes you dream of being a screenwriter. Your parents want you to be a dentist. Such a student can become an academic essay writer at EssayPro, where they can fulfill their creative potential. But what should one choose as a major: Journalism, Writing, or Medicine?

Dentist is one of the best-paid jobs. But it is obvious that it is the parents’ choice. The first two options clearly indicate the inclination for a creative job. It is a sign that you should choose a creative major. 

If you are scared to make the wrong choice and end up being a mediocre artist, read on. We have analyzed the most common traits of creative people. If you tick most of these characteristics, you should definitely consider ditching a “boring” major.

Traits of Creative People


Do you remember yourself as a kid? They want to know everything. Whether zebras are black or white can become the question of the day. Some of us manage to keep this inner child well into adulthood. 

This curiosity makes such people ask questions like Why?, Why not? Or What if? All the time. It is a valuable skill for brainstorming in creative fields. One question can change the course of the discussion and lead to an unexpected discovery.


The human brain is somewhat lazy. It always chooses the most comfortable option. If you attend a language course, you may have noticed that people usually choose one and the same desk. Their brain does not want to leave its comfort zone and prefers a familiar option.

Open-minded people are just the opposite. They will try various options. This is a great technique for coming up with creative ideas for your research. Partner with someone you have never cooperated with. And you will see how many new approaches you can discover together.


Creative people often work in teams with other people and enjoy it. Independence means creative freedom in this case. Some people prefer to stick to a specific task step by step. Artistic souls do not like instructions. They will do the job much better without any restrictions. If you like being your own boss, consider choosing a creative major.

Willingness to take risks

Of course, there is a whole range of professions with high danger ratings. Mountain rescue workers, motorcycle couriers, or firefighters risk their lives nearly every day. But these jobs are far from the creative industry.

Under willingness to take risks, we mean the desire to experiment and go for extraordinary solutions. You never know whether that onion is worth peeling until you try. If you recognize yourself, you know what major you should choose, don’t you?


Creative people do not need to learn to trust their gut. They do it instinctively. You might have noticed some kind of connection between you and the Universe. Sometimes it manifests itself through dreams. 

It is a good feature for business, but it is not enough without substantial knowledge in this field. So you should either choose business as your major in college and use your intuition as an asset. Or unleash your intuition in an artistic field.


Creative people turn everything into a game. Successful bloggers use this tool to interact with their audience. Even if they need to do something routine like repaint the bedroom wall, for instance, they will ask their subscribers what color to choose.

By doing so, they both challenge themselves and promote their page. If such an approach appeals to you, you should definitely consider a creative career path. Just choose the right major to enhance your skills and knowledge.


Have you ever painted a picture for hours? Or spent the night writing an article for a school newspaper? When a creative person finds a spark that drives him or her, they become unstoppable. 

This enthusiasm keeps them going and fulfills them with energy. They feel that what they are doing is right. And this helps a lot at the energy level. Because when you approach things with enthusiasm, they will work great. Lack of motivation often leads to failure or even self-sabotage.

Ask Yourself Questions

If you recognize most of the above-listed features within yourself but still hesitate, ask yourself important questions before choosing your major. It is essential to focus on various aspects: interests and values, skills and talents, salary and lifestyle, availability, and competition.

All these aspects are equally important, so make sure you do not neglect or skip any of them. Write down or record your answers. Then read them over. You will see how obvious things will become.

  1. Do I enjoy working with people or data?
  2. What activities would I miss if I could no longer did them?
  3. Am I a leader or a follower?
  4. Do I thrive with structure and routine or long for the artistic sphere?
  5. What are my hard and soft skills?
  6. What do my family, teachers, and friends name as my talents and strengths?
  7. How much money do I want to make? 
  8. Are there artistic jobs that meet my salary expectations?
  9. Are they competitive in the market?
  10. Will I regret choosing a well-paid but boring office job?

You can edit this list, remove irrelevant questions and add important ones. But be honest when answering them. And if you discover that data, structure, and routine give you a stomach-turning sensation, it is a sign that you are an artistic soul.

The Eighth Sign

This article is called “7 Signs You Need to Choose a Creative Major”. But there is also the eighth sign – your zodiac! Some of them are more down-to-earth and practical. So they usually choose serious subjects to study in college. 

Other zodiac signs are more emotionally intuitive and artistic. These are, for instance, Leo, Aquarius, and Pisces. If you are one of them, we have even got some specific suggestions for you.

Leos love entertainment, the limelight, and being the center of attention. So these charismatic and confident students will not regret choosing Acting as their major. Music can be a good choice for artistic Aquarians. Pisces have a natural talent for transformations and taking various images. No doubt that Art is the best major in this case.

How many suggestions in this article do you consider as signs for yourself?