FREE Wyman Wildflower Seeds From No Bees, No Berries!

No Bees No Berries

As a grower, I know the importance of honeybees in the grand scheme of things. It simple, really – honeybees pollinate our plants and polinated plants produce food for us to eat. Honeybees and other insects play a major role in pollinating plants.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands the importance of bees and sees them as nothing more than a pest. What I find disturbing, though, is that – due to numerous factor,s including the use of pesticides and the decline of naturally growing flowers – honeybee numbers are dropping drastically.

That’s why Wyman’s of Maine is giving away free packets of wildflower seeds. Wildflowers attract honey bees and other beneficial pollinators. All you have to do to get your seeds is go to like them on Facebook and type in your address. While you’re there, I urge you to read more about the bee crisis. Just click on the button that says “Learn more about the bee crisis”.