Get 3 FREE Audiobooks Right Now!

I love audiobooks! They give me the chance to catch up on some “reading” even when I’m super busy. I can listen to my books when I’m in the car, working out, cooking dinner, or just when I’m winding down after a long day.

If you want to try some audiobooks or just add a few to your collection, you’ll love this deal. is offering three FREE audiobooks with a 30-day FREE trial right now! During your free trial, you can access a premium library of more than 150,000 books, plus 8,000+ free audiobooks and access to 700,000+ podcasts. You can try out this service for 30 days without paying  dime!

You can cancel any time during your free trial and owe nothing. If you want to continue your subscription, you don’t have to do anything. You’ll be billed $14.95 / month after 30 days. 

Here are some great reasons to love this service! 

  •  Take audiobooks anywhere on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop
  •  Switch seamlessly between devices without losing your place
  •  Download audiobooks for offline listening or stream instantly over WIFI or 4G
  •  Choice of wifi-only mode to save consumption on your data plan