Hunting for Turkey

Who could have thought that the main dish for our Thanksgiving dinner could cause so much marital tension in this household, jeez!. I have been shopping around for a fresh or frozen whole turkey for the last 10 days to try to find a good bargain. These are the options I have available:
1) Generic brand from Grocery store (GS) #1 for $0.48/lb
2) Butterball Turkey from GS#1 for $1.29/lb
3) Jenni-O Turkey from GS#2 for $0.39/lb (50% off sale)
4) Butterball turkey from GS #2 for $0.98/lb
5) Fresh turkey from local butcher shop $1.49/lb
6) Fresh turkey from local poultry farm $1.75/lb. Turkeys have not been slaughtered yet, so it’s as fresh as they get I guess.
7) Hunt our own turkey? Not really an option but thought I would throw it out there anyways since it’s not turkey hunting season and hubby is not a hunter anyway. I wonder, if wild turkey meat is tough. I would think it’s probably tastier than farm grown.

I just spent the last hour arguing with hubby as to which turkey to get. He immediately shot down option #1. Generic means it’s probably bad, he said. I feel like such a hypocrite considering my latest Frugal Friday tip. And there’s no Consumer Report article to come to our rescue. Jenni-O turkey can’t possibly be as good as Butterball, he said. He’s just caught on Butterball brand as the best frozen turkey out there.
What should we do? If I stick to Butterball brand I would end up paying double of what I could if I go with Generic or Jenni-O. But then if he suggests going with fresh turkey, which I would like to try since we’ve never tried it, then it’s even more money. We are looking to get a 14-lb turkey, so I am talking about spending anywhere from $6.86 to $24.5 (that’s half my budget!).

Does it really matter if it’s store brand turkey or a known brand, or fresh or frozen? Umm I wonder, what would Brian Boitano do?*

*From South Park show.