FREE Audible Trial + 4 FREE Books!

Thinking about trying out Amazon Audible? Now is a great time to give it a go. Start a 30-day free trial, and get two FREE audiobooks and two free Audible originals when you sign up!

  • 30 days of membership free, plus 2 audiobooks and 2 Audible Originals to get you started.
  • After trial, you’ll get 3 titles each month: 1 audiobook and 2 Audible Originals of your choice.
  • Easy exchanges. Don’t like your audiobook? Swap it for free.
  • Cancel anytime, your audiobooks are yours to keep forever.

If you don’t love audible or don’t want to pay the monthly subscription fee, then be sure to cancel at your 30 day expiration date. Otherwise your account will automatically renew at the $14.99 monthly rate.