Frugal Father’s Day

We had a nice Father’s day yesterday. It all started with a breakfast of homemade crepes, his specialty. This was followed by a trip to the home improvement store without me dragging my feet behind him and asking him if he is done because this store is boring. Since I didn’t go I sent my proxy: our three year old, whom I am sure has even less patience than I do. Total cost of the outing: $8 out of his pocket because he used a $75 rebate check good only at Menards.

Lunch: Hot dogs, French fries and baked beans. Approximate cost: $3.20 for the buns , fries and hot dogs. Baked beans free after coupon.
Afternoon activity: bike ride with three year old in tow on a Wee Ride. Bought last year and depreciated since then.

Dinner: Grilled steak and salad with one of his favorite desserts: brownies. Total cost of dinner: $8.50 for one T-Bone steak, one Sirloin steak and bagged salad. Barbecue sauce 25 cents after coupon. Salad dressing, free after coupon.
After dinner activity: Kite Flying.

Total cost of the day: $19.95
Having your youngest leak on Dad while he holds him: Priceless!