Find Zip Code Specific Coupons With ONE Link!

Finding zip code specific coupons is usually a pretty time consuming process. You have to sort through pages and pages of coupons trying to figure out which ones are national coupons (that everyone sees) and which ones are found only in a certain zip code. Unfortunately, you can usually find some pretty great coupons hidden in certain zip codes, but the process almost isn’t worth it.

Well, I’m going to tip my hand a bit and show you how to find zip code specific coupons quickly and easily! I figured today was a good day to do it, since it’s Coupon Reset Day!

To start, CLICK HERE to preclip all of the national coupons available today. Don’t worry – you won’t be printing all of these, so make sure you do NOT hit the Print button. This will bring all of these coupons to the front, though, so you can easily sort through all of the coupons.

Type a zip code into the box and hit enter to change your zip code, then refresh the page. It’s important to refresh the page each time you change your zip code, since this will move all of the national coupons back to the front. 

Zip code Change Coupon

Now all you have to do is scroll toward the last pages in our Savings Center to find all of the coupons specific to the zip code you’re in. You can spot these easily since they won’t be clipped. For me, these start on Page 33 today.

*WARNING* Do NOT hit the Print button yet!!

New CouponsCoupons Start Here


*WARNING* Do NOT hit the Print button yet!!

Since we still have ALL of the national coupons clipped still, hitting the print button would be very bad at this point. Unless, of course, you want to print all 263 coupons!

So, how do you print zip code specific coupons when you find them? At the top and bottom of our Savings Center, there’s a little checkbox that says “Select All”. Check this box and all of the coupons will be clipped, then uncheck it to Deselect All. You’ll stay on the same page, and you can clip and print all of the great coupons you find!

Select All Unselect All

To start over after printing your coupons, just CLICK HERE to preclip all of the national coupons again or hit the back button on your browser.

If you find this little trick useful, be sure to let me know! I’m considering posting a preclipped link for all of the national coupons each day or each week so you can go hunting for coupons in your zip codes.

And, be sure comment and let us know if you find any goodies in certain zip codes!


Don’t forget to read the tutorial on how to find zip code specific coupons for more information on coupons in different areas!

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