How to Get Your Teen to Clean Their Bedroom With You and Have a Great Time

Teen CleanSpring is upon us and a lot of us are doing a good bit of spring cleaning right now. Now, I know it can be difficult to be enthusiastic in regards to spring cleaning, but it’s something that will definitely make you feel better once you’re finished. The biggest challenge isn’t going to be the physical labor if you’re the proud mother of a teenager, because getting them to clean their room with you can be like pulling teeth. Below, I’m going to go over some tips that will help you get your teen to clean their bedroom with you and I’m going to show you how you both can have a fun time doing it.

Make a game plan with you teen.

If you want to get your teen to partake in the spring cleaning experience, you need to sit down with them and list out some of the things that need to be done in regards to cleaning their room. Below, I’m going to give you some ideas of things you could include on this list:

  • Vacuum or sweep the floor.
  • Sweep the ceiling.
  • Dust the entire room.
  • Go through all of their clothing and figure out what do / don’t want.
  • Organize the room.
  • Clean out drawers and organize them.
  • Clean everything out from under the bed.
  • Wipe down the baseboards.
  • Wash sheets.
  • Wash blankets.
  • Wash comforters.
  • Wash pillow cases.
  • Clean mirrors in the room.
  • Wipe down the screens on televisions, laptops, tablets, cell phones, etc…

These are just some ideas that should get you started. Cleaning is much easier with a list and it will motivate your teen as you both get to cross things off on the list, so definitely keep the list handy while you’re both cleaning.

Turn on some tunes.

Music will help the time pass by and it can help your teen stay motivated to continue cleaning. If you don’t like their music, you shouldn’t criticize them for it. If you do, it will only demotivate them, so try to deal with it.

Start with the small tasks first.

Always work on one task at a time and complete the small tasks on the list first. That way, your teen will become much more motivated every time a task is crossed off of the list. This will help them build some momentum for when it’s time to tackle the bigger and more tedious tasks on the list.

Focus on one thing at a time.

This goes hand-in-hand with the above tip. It’s important that you focus on only one task at a time, so you can complete tasks quicker and more efficiently.

Go through their clothes.

Spring is the time of year when everyone likes to go through their clothes, so they can put all of their winter clothes up and get all of their spring and summer clothes out. Ask your teen which clothes they would like to keep and which ones they don’t want anymore. Also, ask your teen if they need any new clothes for the upcoming months.