Savings Challenge

I have talked in the past about my general disbelief in the actual savings that using coupons can yield. However, over the past couple of months I have looked into it further and have been able to start saving money by clipping coupons.

My husband who joined me in my general disbelief has also been coming around since I started showing him the deals I have been getting. I must say the Glade deal and all of the tubs of wipes we have been getting for free or almost free have made both of us change our mind about clipping coupons. He has challenged me to track how much money we save this entire year through the use of coupons and rebate submissions. So, in the right side bar you will see the running total of how much money I have saved throughout the year by the use of clipped coupons and money back offers.

Even though coupons are better used when coupled with a sale, I will only track money saved by using coupons, not money saved by buying sale items. What I really want to measure here is the value added by the extra effort of clipping coupons or submitting rebate forms. I am really looking forward to the results of this challenge. Wish me luck!