Budgeting Tips if You’re a Stay At Home Mom – Part 2

stay at home mom 2Are you ready for part 2 of my budgeting tips for stay at home moms series? In the last article, I talked about how there are plenty of women in the world that have decided to become stay at home moms and I’m going to give you tips that I’ve learned over many years of experience. In the last article, I told you to figure out what you’re spending money on and how much you’re spending. I hope you have all of that figured out, because now I’m going to teach you how to cut your spending down, so you can save some cash.

If you missed out on the first part of this article, you can view it by clicking here. That being said, let’s get started!

It’s Time to Figure Out Where You Can Cut Spending

Now that you (hopefully) have your list ready of where your money is going, you can step back and take a look at areas where you can cut spending. Now, as a stay at home mom, you’re going to have to learn to get creative when it comes to saving money, so really think things over here. Do you see any areas where you’re spending money on things that you could possibly just make it home? Do you really need to have cable television or satellite? How about home phones; couldn’t you just use your cellphones, instead? Are you spending too much on your rent? If so, you could potentially move to another location or maybe you could have your mortgage refinanced.

Are you a stay at home mom already or are you going to quit a job and become a stay at home mom? If you’re quitting a job, you need to think about the areas where you’re going to save money. You won’t need to purchase work clothes anymore, you won’t need to purchase as much gas for your vehicle, you won’t put anymore wear on your vehicle from driving back and forth to work, you won’t have to worry about dry cleaning and you won’t have to worry about having to go to the salon on a regular basis to make sure you have the most fantastic hairstyle.

Start Cooking at Home

As a stay at home mom, you will have to learn how to cut expenses, as I stated above, so you’ll have to learn how to love cooking homemade meals. If you’re a budget-conscious shopper at the grocery store, and don’t buy the most expensive ingredients you can find, you will save a ton of money by cooking your meals at home, as it’s much cheaper to do this than to purchase premade meals or to dine out at restaurants or drive-thru establishments. While working at a job you were probably too tired to come home and whip up a big dinner, but as a stay at home mom you will find that this is now part of your daily routine.

Being a stay at home mom will give you the time it takes to make healthy and budget-friendly meals. Before you head out to the grocery store, you should make list of everything you have in your home already. That way, you don’t go out to the store and buy unnecessary items. As a frugal mom, you have to learn how to use everything you have in your pantry and you should never allow anything to reach its expiration date.

Do you want more budgeting tips for being a stay at home mom? If so, make sure you keep an eye out for the next article in this series.